Jasmine B selections

Friday, October 28, 2011

Sleep facebooking

Apparently am a very active girl while sleeping.In between feeding my son and going in and out of sleep i managed to get on facebook and update my husband's name as my status update.  :/ lol and apparently i also recently started talking in my sleep,with my husband as the more than willing party in propagating the conversation trying to get more out of me,only to be used as joke ammo when am awake........aaah the joys of being married having someone next to you to laugh at every sleep induced babble.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Of rocks and hard places

So we went to my sons cardiologist today and his heart condition had worsened thus prompting the verdict that he needs open heart surgery as soon as possible,He has been put on lasix while he awaits his surgery date.
I could all but gasp as my eyes transfixed on this doctor who asked for my permission to put in a request for surgery,so my choices were have this major surgery on his heart risk losing him,or not have him do this major surgery and still risk losing him.
I feel its quite unfortunate to have to make life altering decisions for the two very important people in my life the first one saw my father pass away ,basically a DNR order,i feel ill to the pit of stomach thinking about it.
Now for the second time in two years i have to make a hard decision i feel it unfair to have this happen to one person.I can only hope i make the right decision for my son.
so about 3 weeks from now he will have the surgery and i will have every bit of will and  sanity tested.I guess this is all part of being a mom.

Monday, October 24, 2011

So is God a sadist

So is God  sadist,is he an almighty kid sitting on an anthill cinging the ants antennas off  (ants by the way are us) is the reason his plans are not known to man because no man known to man is that crazy,is the reason we are told he works in mysterious ways because the whole issue of religion is mystifying a case of confuse and conquer.
My heart has been torn to pieces once and it threatens to be torn again tomorrow.First time is when my father passed away from acute myelomonocytic leukemia despite endless talks i had with his doctors and the expectation of his fast approaching demise nothing prepared my heart for the world of hurt i would face.
An year and four months later i had my beautiful baby boy ,after a pregnancy plagued with illness and procedures,hyperemesis gravidarum,picc lines,bedrest spinal taps, preterm labor that never seemed to cause dilation but enough stress on both mum and baby,scans for clots,asthma,kidney stones,pre eclampsia and through all that it somehow did not seem to bad knowing that i will have a son at the end of it all.
2 hours after he is born doctors tell me we discovered a hole in his heart its sizeable 9mm and he may require surgery down the line..........it never sunk in until i was home from the hospital and i looked at my son and had the sudden fear that he might stop breathing while i slept...so for the first couple of days i did not sleep,i just watched him as he slept.
A couple of days later i was tired enough to pass out while my husband watched him after the mother of all head aches.The fear wore out as time progressed but not completely i still startle myself from sleep and check on his breathing.
Tomorrow is the day,tomorrow is the day they tell me when and if they will do surgery.Last time the doctor found a growth in his heart that partially blocked blood flow and evident stress on his left ventricle showing with increased size in the heart muscle .His lungs were fine but the doctor who was seeing him for the first time needed to see him a second time in order to make a more accurate decision.So its tomorrow and i cant help but feel my antennas being cinged off.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


15 week olds and cow milk

So i have had a problem producing milk and my son has been on similac advance since he about 2 weeks.3 weeks ago he reduced his eating and did not want to drink his formula.He would act hungry but cry if he was given formula.His cardiologist had advised us to give him an ounce of water whenever he showed signs of having problems passing stool.So every time i gave him the water he would drink it so fast,but the minute i do a quick switch to formula he would cry.Having a baby with heart problems and potentially needing surgery in the near future weight gain is a real concern,feeding is also a concern because we always have to look out for any stress on his part while feeding.
So this weekend i had my relatives over for a visit.One of my uncles a doctor evaluated him and the contents of the formula and thought it best he be switched to organic cows milk.So we did that while he was still here so that he would notice any potential side effects.By the way if you are thinking he is one of those old time doctors who prescribes to unconventional methods ..he is not.He is a well known doctor,i will however leave out his identity because i have not asked for his permission to include his name on my blog.
Well anyway my son started taking the Natures promise organic milk last night around 12am,mixed with one part water,By morning he was fine happy was not fussy was taking his milk eagerly,so we excluded the water since morning and the difference is like night and day,he has taken about 20 ounces of milk today by eight when he had last week decreased to less than 10ounces a day.He is pooping better than he was,a better consistency and not as much straining.. he is so energetic and for the first time in months did not cry up a storm today.He cries alot,everyday like clock work from 2pm to 6pm he will cry his little heart out.His doctor said he had colic so i should try gripe water and mylicon or little tummies gas drops,unfortunately he would throw up every time i gave it to him i tried giving it to him slower a tiny drop every five minute but 15 or so minutes after the last drop he would throw up everything.
So as the very caring mother to this little boy i chose to take my uncles advice natures promise organic milk and formula only 2 times a week just for the vitamins and such.
Before anyone decided to try this out though i advice you think it through and talk to a doctor you trust.I know most doctors will tell you the over sung tune formula or breast milk until six months of age,I agree that breast milk is best and i still continue with the domepridone and pumping whatever i get i give to him but until i have breast milk he is on cow milk.Its a mothers intuition here over formula marketing.


My absolute favorite product for this is lancome pure empreinte purifying mineral mask with white clay.It works wonders just 5 minutes on rinse off and i found effects last upto 4 days even with my nightly brightening scrub.Alot goes a long way,i have been using the tube i have for 5 months now and i still have alot in there atleast 2 or 3 more months worth so its worth its value.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Somebody has to say it

I know you have all noticed the proliferation of really disturbing photos on Facebook....I log in first thing i see on my page is a picture or badly burnt bodies,a murdered baby a dead little boy am fine if you post it on your page that''s your problem,but for the sake of all that is good and nice looking i don't want to be tagged in this pictures no thank you.What is more disturbing is about 50 % of the stories behind them are unfounded.Please people think before you post.
In other news in case i really did not know this " I AM A MOM"....for the first time after having my baby i went to the mall ..alone.. without my son.
I had all this plans of buying a pair of riding boots , a military wool coat and assorted lingerie :)
I spent 30 minutes in the mall and started missing my baby,i ended up getting him a romper,a jacket and a sweater...for me nothing at all,i remembered i was to get stuff for myself after i had come back home and seen my baby.  yeap  people am a mom.!


So i tried out this brightening scrub to get rid of acne blemishes and melasma from my pregnancy.I have used it now for 3 weeks and all i can say is wow,my blemishes are very much diminished,it makes my skin soft and bright,i look so alive,another plus it does not dry  out your skin.i got it at amazon,
PS very little goes a long way
100 Percent Pure
Best Price $15.99
or Buy New $20.98

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Spot on

I am going to be posting reviews on products that i have tried and find the best deals on products to save you both time and money.

A little birdie told me

Yes that's right folks i am turning into my mother,today i lay my son down to change his diaper,what was so different however is that i chose to use the couch instead of the changing table (tsk tsk ).so of course i had to leave him to go get a diaper,as i was rummaging through the mess that is my changing station i had a bad feeling and immediately thought to myself what if he poops on my pristine leather couches.So i dash back downstairs but alas i was too late,my couch had runny everything everywhere,oh boy i knew you were up to something a little birdie told me,this little birdie has told me alot of things of late,the time i rushed downstairs to find him gnawing gumming my phone,the time i dreamt of him having a diaper explosion in bed and he SOOO DID.
This little birdie however has timing problems it  is always informing me of issues after the fact.
This however reminded me of my dear mother who would always somehow know when i was up to no good, 'you ate the confectioners sugar didnt you' ... ' no mummy it fell on the ground and i  swept it out.' earning me a look of disapproval.Many a time she came to my room wanting to know what i was doing and as always i was up to no good, cutting up my clothes ( which i affectionately called restyling) , cutting my hair ( which i also called restyling) or cutting my poor dolls hair.
One famous incident occurred when i was 12,she left for i work,i was on summer break and i had a list of chores to do before evening,however i thought i could just watch the tv until 2pm and have a last minute rush finish up the chore before she came home..apparently that little conniving spying little birdie had a little conversation with my mother causing her untimely return 4 hours early,i was caught red handed with a bowl of sugar in one hand and the tv remote in the other.Needless to say that is the day i vowed revenge on every little bird..i still remember throwing stones at birds to ward them off our house lest they tell on me again.
I cant wait to use that little bird on my son one day.

New mommy woes

I always thought breastfeeding was easy baby sees breast baby latches on and vuallaaa!! milk oh precious milk gushes forth from the lady mountains.Not so fast latching on apparently doesnt come so easy to some babies and the art of helping baby latch on doesnt come as easy to a mom who just went through the most grueling 72 hours of her life....wait scratch that 10 months whoever said pregnancy is 9 months needs a dose of reality,its not,neither is it a bed of roses.We are a close knit family and i always just saw my aunties pregnant and lo and behold  before i know it baby is here.When i got pregnant it was unexpected but my wonderful boyfriend (hubby now) at the time was very supportive,it was not easy from the beginning .I was constantly on the bathroom floor with my head buried deep in the toilet bowl,yes i appropriated the bathroom and every one had to schedule use around my toilet bowl time,which was well all the time.So at 12 weeks i was ordered on bedrest and IV infusion for hyperemesis gravidarum that say me loose 30 pounds in one month (i wish i could lose that type of weight now..if wishes were horses this plump lady would ride)
Pregnancy was a blur of hospitals doctors and my old friend the toilet bowl.
This was all to end when i gave birth or so i thought,it was all going to be easy merry and dandy....not a chance first thing am told your baby has a heart murmur and may need surgery,second blow i could not produce milk fenugreek blessed thistle lactating tees nothing,i got engorged bought an unheavenly expensive pump zilch nada nothing cept a drop or two...guess its formula then..we must have went through 4 types of formula on ennfamil and similac to finally end up with something that didnt keep us all up because he had gas.
talk about disillusion.He is gaining weight just fine i told myself but i couldnt help but feel inadequate why i could not feed him my own milk.
Fastfoward 3 months later now am told oh there was a type of drug your doctor of lactation consultant should have told you about.Reglan or domepridone,well reglan has too many side effects so i chose domperidone which i had to order from Canada.
2 days into taking it i have started getting drops of milk again and that is on the low dose,cant wait for next week when i amp it up.Will i be finally able to burst forth nourishment aaah lets wait and see.
Cant help but wonder why the FDA is making domperidone such a big issue,this is just another case of heavy handed bureaucracy aimed at controlling instead of protecting the general pulic.Domperidone goes by the brand name motillium manufactured as dopamine inhibitor which in turn raises your prolactin levels.It has been approved for long term use on patients with gastrointestinal problems eg gastroperesis.Reglan which also does the same raise your prolactin levels is known to cause depression and serious side effects such as tardive dyskenisis yet that is approved.Someone help me understand this madness.Well it is not too late my little one may need surgery soon decision to be made this Tuesday,i am besides myself with worry despite reassurance that it has been done many times before i cant help but feel ill at the thought of a masked man cutting open my little angel.Sanity please don't leave me.